
8 Reasons Why Sex Is Amazing for Your Health

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Is it okay to get busy between the sheets every single day? Well, there is no right answer for this, as the desired frequency varies from person to person! For some lucky folks, daily sessions are no biggie, but for others, it can lead to discomfort.

From the wild twenties to the wiser sixties, everyone's groove is different. So, remember to do what feels right for you and your partner! It's totally cool to hit pause if you're not feeling the vibe. Stick around to learn more about finding the right balance, the potential pitfalls, and how to keep the fun going without any hiccups.

Top 8 Reasons Healthy Sexual Frequency Improves Your Overall Well-being

Normal sexual frequency can have positive implications for your overall well-being. Check out the following pointers to understand the correlation in a better light:  

  • Sex Keeps Stress at Bay

Nothing chases away the blues like a good session in the sheets! Regular sex releases hormones which can lift your mood and drive away stress. 

  • Best Exercise to Burn Calories 

Sex is a fun way to burn calories and get your heart rate up. If you think that you need to sweat it out, rolling in the hay is the best form of workout that won’t even feel like work!

  • Better Sleep

The release of relaxing hormones during orgasm can lead to better sleep! Therefore, no more restless tossing and turning in bed! 

  • Good for Heart Health

Normal sexual frequency is great for your cardiovascular health. It can help in lowering blood pressure and consequently reduces the risk of heart diseases as well.

  • Sex is the best pill for pain relief 

Are you tired of popping pills for your headache? Sex might be the cure! Yes, the endorphins released during sex can act as natural painkillers and make you feel pretty relaxed. 

  • Boosts Self-Esteem

Sexual frequency can make you feel desired and connected to your partner.  Thus gives a boost to your self-confidence which eventually makes you feel more valued.

  • It Can Actually Help You Live Longer

There have been studies that suggest that a healthy sex life can actually contribute to a better immune system and a longer life. We feel that’s a pretty solid reason to get down and dirty pronto! 

  • Keeps Hormones in Check 

Healthy sexual frequency can help keep your hormones in balance. This bodes well for your overall health and wellness.

Factors Affecting Normal Sexual Frequency

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to calculating the normal frequency of sex. It can vary depending on the following factors: 

  • Different life stages bring different priorities. Newlyweds might have a more active sex life, while couples with young children or demanding careers may find their frequency decreases. Hormonal changes that are a natural part of ageing also affect libido and energy levels.
  • If a person is experiencing chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety or any other mental health issue, it can reduce libido. Engaging in regular exercise, consuming a balanced diet, and managing stress can boost your sex drive by making you feel more happy and confident. 
  • Emotional closeness, trust, and respect can enhance your desire for intimacy. Conversely, unresolved conflicts, lack of communication, or emotional distance can decrease sexual frequency.
  • It is no secret that everyone has different sexual needs and desires. Factors like personal libido levels, past experiences etc., shape how you perceive sex. Understanding these differences within a relationship is very important for mutual intimate satisfaction.

Frequency of Sex - Finding the Balance

Generally, the normal frequency of sex is once a week but this number can vary from multiple times a day to a couple of times a month as well! 

Finding the right balance in sexual frequency depends on what works best for a couple: 

  • Understanding Individual needs

First things first, everyone has different needs and desires when it comes to sex. It is very important for a couple to recognize and respect each other's needs. Then, you can find a common ground that satisfies both partners.

  • Quality Over Quantity

It's not about how often you're doing it, but how satisfying those moments are. Focus on making intimacy special and fulfilling. From trying something new, to simply taking the time to connect deeply, quality experiences can strengthen your bond more than a higher frequency of intercourse ever could.

  • Communication

Open and honest conversations about your sexual needs, desires, and boundaries is the best way to ensure both partners feel heard and valued. Talk about what you enjoy, what you'd like to try, and how often you both feel comfortable being intimate. 

When to Seek Professional help

Traversing through your sex life can be tricky, and knowing when to seek professional help can make all the difference. If you and your partner have mismatched libidos causing friction, or if you're experiencing emotional and physical pain during sex, it’s time to consult a therapist or doctor. 

Professionals can offer guidance, counselling, and treatments to rekindle your connection and ensure a healthy, enjoyable sex life. Seeking help is a beautiful way to express commitment towards your relationship.

Bottom Line 

The journey of balancing sexual frequency is unique for each couple. It is all about understanding your individual needs, prioritising quality over quantity, and encouraging open communication. If you think that you need to fan the embers of passion in the bedroom, you can check out a bespoke range of intimate wellness products and sex toys on Leezu’s. By adhering to the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to have an unflinching focus on connection and well-being that shall empower you to find the perfect balance of sexual frequency and experience all the benefits that come with it.

FAQs on Sexual Frequency and Health

1. Does sexual frequency decrease with age?

It is normal for sexual frequency to decrease with age. It can happen due to the cumulative effects of factors like changing hormonal levels, changes in libido, etc. by taking conscious efforts such as staying active, eating healthy and making an effort to keep the passion alive in your relationship can work wonders for the well-being of your sexual health. 

2. Does sexual activity affect health?

Yes. Healthy sexual frequency can work well for your immune system, heart health, mood and overall well being. 

3. What is the optimal sexual frequency?

There is no one answer for this, as the normal sexual frequency varies for every couple. One must strive to find what works for them and affords them maximum satisfaction, closeness and pleasure.  

4. What are the 5 P's of sexual activity?

The five P’s of sexual activity are partner, practice, protection, past history and pregnancy intention.