live-in relationships

Things to Consider Before Entering a Live-In Relationship

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We live in a world that is constantly evolving and in that process, we are all going through a shift in which we perceive the world and behaviors around us. 

We are not aloof to the fact that couples are finding it hard to adjust to each other and consequently the divorce rates have gone through the roof. 

To traverse through this and to gauge physical and emotional compatibility, many couples have started adopting an arrangement that stands at the middle ground of dating and marriage; a live-in relationship. 

The Evolution And Perception Of Live-In Relationships 

This form of cohabitation has been around for a very long time but recently, live-in relationships have started coming into the social and legal spotlight. All said and done, it continues to be one of the most debated topics in our society. 

While there are a lot of whispered judgments around it in small towns, the metros have become widely accepting of this phenomenon. If you find yourself wondering if a live-in relationship is good or bad, allow us to tell you that the decision to shack up with your partner before marriage comes with its own set of highs and lows. Curious to know more before taking the plunge? Let’s explore!. 

Key Considerations Before Entering a Live-In Relationship

Before you set forth on your journey of experiencing the benefits of live-in relationships, here are some key factors for you to consider: 

1. Emotional Readiness

Living together is a whole new level of intimacy, and it has its own set of responsibilities. It isn’t just about sharing a bed, but about sharing your space. Make sure both of you feel secure and committed enough to handle the ups, and downs of cohabitation.

2. Setting Boundaries

Before you think about sharing your personal space, setting clear boundaries is crucial. From doing the dishes to splitting the electricity bill, being clear on your boundaries works like an ultimate relationship cheat sheet for keeping unnecessary squabble at bay.

3. Financial Planning

Money can be a tricky topic. Before you move in, talk about how you want to handle rent, groceries, utilities, etc. Getting on the same financial page will save you from some awkward moments later.

4. Understanding Responsibilities

Living together means dividing up the work. Create a system that works for both of you; share the chores and equally partake in all responsibilities because fairness is key when it comes to experiencing live-in bliss.

5. Family and Social Acceptance

Live-in relationships are still a taboo topic in society. Not everyone will be thrilled about your decision to move in with your partner before marriage. Some family members might raise an eyebrow. Think about how you’ll handle these reactions together. After all, teamwork is what makes the dream work. 

6. Compatibility Testing

Living under one roof might reveal more about your partner than you might expect. Moving in is the ultimate compatibility test. It is not just about love but also about being practical and functional together as partners.

Advantages of Live-In Relationships

Live-in relationships are not just a stepping stone to marriage but a convenient arrangement that can have several advantages on your psychological and emotional health:

Emotional Benefits

Emotional support is one of the greatest benefits of live in relationship. Living together creates a deep sense of emotional security and companionship. You can think of it like having a teammate who can be a positive reinforcement for you as you navigate through life’s ups and downs. This can do wonders for your mental well-being. From binge-watching your favorite show or to having someone to simply vent about your day, the emotional support is unmatched.

Practical Benefits

While thinking about the pros of live-in relationship, one has to factor in the advantage that it lets you share responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, and paying bills. Furthermore, unlike traditional marriage, there’s no societal pressure to “perform” in a certain way. You and your partner have the freedom to define your relationship on your own terms. This can feel incredibly liberating while giving you both the space to grow as individuals and as a couple.

Social and Psychological Perspective 

Living together reveals all the quirks and habits of your partner you might not have noticed before. This deeper understanding fosters emotional maturity and helps you both grow as individuals and as a couple. Furthermore, a live-in relationship lets you enjoy the perks of being in a committed relationship without the binging obligations of matrimony. It is a chance to test the waters, to check if you are truly compatible in the long haul.

Disadvantages of Live-In Relationships

While we have spoken about the pros, the disadvantages of live in relationship can also not be discounted:

Emotional Challenges

Living together can sometimes lead to emotional turbulence. This is because constant proximity can at times highlight differences, spark conflicts, and test patience. If communication and conflict resolution skills aren’t strong for a couple; misunderstandings, stress, and even emotional burnout can happen. 

Social and Legal Issues

From a legal standpoint, live-in relationships aren't as strongly protected as marriage. While there are some laws to recognize cohabitation, they vary widely. This leaves couples without clear legal rights and boundaries in certain situations.


Live-in relationships are like rollercoasters; thrilling, exciting but sometimes scary. This journey can be worth the ride if you are prepared about what you are getting into. So, we suggest you keep these considerations in mind, and get ready to build a home full of love, laughter, and maybe a few cute arguments along the way! Talking of love, we suggest you check out Leezu’s fabulous range of sex toys that can take your bedroom adventures to a whole new level. 


1. Are live-in relationships legally recognized?

Live-in relationships are not recognized as legal unions in India. However, the Supreme Court Of India has decriminalized this kind of living arrangement which means that it is not an offense to live with your partner without marriage. 

2. How can couples make live-in relationships work?

Live-in relationships are liberating in many ways but they require a strong foundation of trust, communication, and shared values to handle challenges that might come along the way.